VPS Vs Shared Hosting: What Is The Difference?

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By sonamkumari

Choosing the right web host according to your needs is quite important but at the same time, it is not easy to choose from a variety of hosting options out there.

This article will compare the differences between Shared hosting services and Cheap VPS Hosting to determine the most suitable option for your needs.


Shared hosting allows multiple users to share a single server and its resources, such as RAM, memory, processor, and hard drive.

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Cheap VPS Hosting servers are shared but with advanced resource assignment technology, separating users through a virtual boundary, offering a more sophisticated and technically superior option compared to shared hosting.


Shared servers share resources like memory, hard drive, RAM, and processor with other users, potentially reducing efficiency in operations.

A VPS Server shares the network, but all necessary performance resources are divided, ensuring minimal hardware sharing and each user has their own private environment.


A Shared Server is a superior option for small businesses, offering a reasonable rate that sets it apart from VPS and other hosting options, making it a popular starting point for their operations.

Shared servers offer powerful capabilities, but hosting companies reduce costs by putting multiple users on the server, benefiting both users and the hosting company.

VPS hosting is more expensive than shared hosting, but its additional features and technology justify its higher cost.

Operational Disturbance

The bad effect occurs when other users on a shared server are affected by the site’s use of memory, causing other users to be left with a smaller portion of the memory and not receiving the fair share they deserve.

A malicious attack on a single site can spread issues across the server’s userbase, causing unpredictable downtime and potentially causing significant damage.


Shared servers pose a high risk of data leaks due to the potential for fraudulent hackers to exploit the shared server and cause inconvenience.

A  Cheap VPS provides significant security due to its virtual separation and use of different resources, reducing the risk of security breaches and utilizing advanced technology.


The recommendation is to switch to a Cheap VPS hosting provider due to its superior features compared to a Shared Server, even though it comes at a higher rate. The choice depends on your specific needs and requirements, making it a wise decision.

To know more please visit our website Ideastack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the difference between shared hosting and dedicated hosting?

The difference between shared and dedicated hosting lies in the kind of server that holds your website. In shared hosting, your website coexists with other websites on the same server, used by neighboring users. Conversely, with dedicated hosting plans, your website is hosted on a server exclusively reserved for your website.

Q2. Why is shared hosting cheaper than VPS?

Although the cost of a Cheap VPS plan has decreased, a shared hosting platform remains more economical. The reason for this is the larger number of users who share the server’s resources, effectively dividing the cost among themselves.

Q3. How many websites can I run on a VPS?

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) has the capacity to host numerous websites without any specific limits.

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